Friday, November 9, 2012

CONSERVATION-Endangered Species and How You Can Help

Bald Eagle
humpback whale
 Two Important Links:::

Endangered Species
Threatened, Endangered, Extinct

Pine Barrens Tree Frog

These are some animals becoming endangered in New Jersey - mammals, invertebrates, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians

What causes animals to become endangered? 
These are a few of many:
DDT causing disease


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 Here are some things YOU and YOUR FAMILY can do to helpHere a few suggestions, can YOU think of more?
don't release balloons
conservation license plate
donate to conservation organizations.

And take part in The Big Cleanup which includes RECYCLING! Also, this shows how NSCAR topics from one year to the next can carry over! I participated in a webinar done by Terracycle (NSCAR Conservation 2011-2012) which has A LOT to do with the NSCAR topic for 2012-2013 Saving 
Endangered Species. Here is is the link to the video of the webinar :The-Big- CleanUP



Why we should protect ALL species
  • Because of the following:
    • esthetics
    • ecological
    • educational
    • historical
    • recreational
    • scientific 
    • moral
    • the list is endless, because this earth is THEIR home too

Introduction to this website includes information on the following:
    Celebrates 40 years in 2013

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Washington Elm Society honoring the veterans for Memorial Day 2012

May 26, 2012 
George Washington Memorial Park, Paramus, NJ
 The Washington Elm Society was thankful that the rain held off so we were able to assist the Glen Rock VFW Post #850 in honoring the veterans buried in this cemetery. We were joined by the Florham Park Boy Scout Troop #18 who so generously purchased 2 boxes of flags since we did not have enough the previous year. We also had help from the Florham Park Girl Scout Troop 735 this year! From the Saddle River Chapter DAR we were joined by Linda Tilllinghast and from the Bergen-Paulus Hook Chapter we were joined by Emily Carlin and Joanne Tobias. Much thanks to the Washington Elm Society families who came to help with this event: Linda, Carl and Kirk Amiaga; Joanne, Jon, John, Jordan Ann and Jacqueline-Lille Tobias; Joann Mancion and Chris Haines, Elizabeth, Christopher and Michael Haines; and Emily and Bennett Carlin. Over 800 (possibly 1000 with the flags from the cemetery!) graves were marked today!
Betty Kempton and Marian Stapert from Saddle River Chapter were there early since they thought it began at noon. So, going to include them in the count for A for effort! Hopefully they will join us next year.

Washington Elm Society, Bergen-Paulus Hook Chapter DAR, Saddle River Chapter DAR
Marcus Hobson & Jonathan Tobias
JP Gamba and Mike Corbett Troop #18

Florham Park Boy Scouts Troop #18,       Florham Park Girl Scouts Troop #735, Washington Elm Society, Saddle River Chapter DAR, Bergen-Paulus Hook Chapter DAR
Linda Tillinghast, Saddle River Chapter DAR

Joe Mogelesky from Troop #18

Jordan Ann Tobias, Washington Elm Society

Jacqueline-Lille Tobias, Washington Elm Society

Monday, May 21, 2012

National President's Project 2012-2013

National President, Gregory Thorne
National Senior President, Hans  E. Jackson


The National Project is to raise funds for the Sword Surrender Site Project at Saratoga National Park. This project will include a bas-relief sculpture, memorial, walk-ways, and interpretive signage. The basis of this project is the famous painting, The Surrender of General Burgoyne, by John Trumbull. Major Henry Dearborn would later reflect that Saratoga was “one of the Greatest battles that Ever was fought in America.” Saratoga was the turning point of the American Revolution. Saratoga was the turning point which resulted in our alliances with France and Spain. Saratoga was the turning point, not only for the colonists, but also for the world. Without this victory, there is no success in our Revolution, there is no French or Spanish Alliance, and there is no United States of America.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

NJCAR State Project 2012-2013


N.J.C.A.R. Senior President MS. HEATHER SMITH

N.J.C.A.R. State President's Project  
 "Restoring the Past, to Write the Future"
Ann Cooper Whitall       (1716-1797)
Ann's diary

Sarah Novalsky will be raising funds to restore Ann Whitall's desk which was where Ann  wrote in her diary during 1760-1762. The desk is on display at the Whitall house located in the Red Bank Battlefield in Red Bank, NJ and will be restored to its original state by a restoration craftsman whose restores and preserves antique furniture. 

N,J.C.A.R. President, Sarah Novalsky, will be selling voices to raise funds for this restoration. You can by voices to win Longberger patriotic baskets. The voices will be sold at CAR functions, DAR functions, SAR functions and you can purchase them off the N.J.C.A.R. website.

To learn more about Ann Whitall check out the links below to find out about this amazing Quaker woman: 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Clerical Workers in the Military, preserving history

 The Recording Secretary's topic this year is to explore how history was preserved by the clerical workers during war time, How were records kept as the soldiers fought for the AMERICAN DREAM?

Check out the links below to see how things have changed over the years:

During the American Revolution
 Record keeping during the Civil War

During WWII

 Post WWII to Present

So, through the years since the American Revolution record keeping has progressed. Technology has played a major part in this. 


Check out this excellent website for history research, amazing!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Posse Comitatus Act

Check out the link below to find out what the Posse Comitatus Act is and why it was made into law! Also some history on the Posse Comitatus Act.