Friday, April 18, 2014

NJCAR State President's Project 2014-2015

NJCAR President, Christie Castorino
NJCAR Senior President, Heather Smith 

Happy 350th Birthday New Jersey

       Christie will write, collaborate with an illustrator and publish a children’s book to celebrate 350 years of New Jersey through the eyes of “Haddy” the New Jersey State Dinosaur to make history fun, share pivotal moments before New Jersey became a state and after and to promote NJCAR through literacy. This will “…promote the love of the United States of America and its heritage among young people”, promote the celebration of patriotic anniversaries, and teach knowledge of American history.    
      Christie will raise money to self publish a book titled “Happy Birthday New Jersey” featuring pivotal events from the land grant to Lord Bergen and Carteret, General Washington and the Crossroads of the American Revolution, Thomas Edison, Alice Paul and more! Each society will receive a copy of the book to donate to a library in their town. Voices will be sold for a Thomas Kinkaide painting “Silent Night” or a $100 Republic Bank Mastercard to use anytime, anywhere. 

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